chi siamo news pubblicazioni ordina contatti
Fungi Europaei   9 - Amanita

1 - Agaricus
2 - Boletus
2A - Boletus (Supplemento)
3 - Tricholoma
3A - Tricholoma (Supplemento)
4 - Lepiota
5 - Entoloma
5A - Entoloma (Supplemento)
6 - Hygrophorus
7 - Lactarius
8 - Xerocomus
9 - Amanita
10 - Polyporaceae

Amanita s.l.

The work deals with the European taxa of the tribe Amaniteae R. Mre, a member of the family Pluteaceae Kotlaba & Pouzar that includes the genera Torrendia Bres., Limacella Earle and Amanita Pers. After the generalities, the various characters taken into account in the study of these fungi are presented, these are followed by a critical survey of the names of the infrageneric and supraspecific taxa that have been proposed in the literature, and then by the exhaustive study of the species, varieties and forms of the tribe. The study includes the original diagnoses, keys, detailed descriptions, comments as well as abundance of illustrations (line-drawings of microanatomical features, photographs and colour plates). The final bibliography covers all the references made in the work.

2004, ISBN 88-901057-3-9, 1120 pp., 245mm x 180mm, 128 micrograph, 202 photocolor, 113 colour plates made by E. Rebaudengo et al., french.

Edizioni Candusso - Via Ottone Primo 90 - 17021 - Alassio (SV) - I - Tel. e Fax: (+39) 0182-469467 - IVA/VAT: IT 01321710095