chi siamo news pubblicazioni ordina contatti
Fungi Europaei   8 - Xerocomus

1 - Agaricus
2 - Boletus
2A - Boletus (Supplemento)
3 - Tricholoma
3A - Tricholoma (Supplemento)
4 - Lepiota
5 - Entoloma
5A - Entoloma (Supplemento)
6 - Hygrophorus
7 - Lactarius
8 - Xerocomus
9 - Amanita
10 - Polyporaceae

Xerocomus s.l.

The taxa belonging to European Xerocomoideae are described, illustrated and discussed. To this purpose, the microanatomical features of 24 European taxa have been exhaustively analysed and illustrated by micrographs. The taxonomical conclusions are summarised in a key; the taxa keyed out are:

  • X. parasiticus
  • X. ichnusanus
  • X. roseoalbidus
  • X. badius
  • X. moravicus
  • X. pelletieri
  • X. subtomentosus
  • X. ferrugineus
  • X. persicolor
  • X. armeniacus var. venosipes
  • X. armeniacus f. luteolus
  • X. armeniacus
  • X. porosporus
  • X. fennicus
  • X. rubellus
  • X. dryophilus
  • X. ripariellus
  • X. pruinatus
  • X. cisalpinus
  • X. chrysenteron
  • X. erubescens
  • X. bubalinus

Also included are X. depilatus and X. impolitus, that, based on molecular data, recently have been transferred from Boletus to Xerocomus.

2003, ISBN 88-901057-2-0, 528 pp., hardback, 245mm x 180mm, 290 colour photograph, 21 colour plates (by E. Rebaudengo and F. Boccardo) and 343 micrograph, english/italian.

Edizioni Candusso - Via Ottone Primo 90 - 17021 - Alassio (SV) - I - Tel. e Fax: (+39) 0182-469467 - IVA/VAT: IT 01321710095