Contribution to the knowledge of genus Agaricus
A complete study of 12 rare or uncommon species of the genus Agaricus collected in Spain is given.
For each species the following information is included: correct name, nomenclatural information, macroscopic and microscopic descriptions, diagnostic characters, comparative study with other closely related species, and habitat.
Illustrations from microscopic characters and complete developmental stages of the partial and general veils as well as colour photos from fresh specimens of all species treated are also added.
- Agaricus benesii
- Agaricus bernardii
- Agaricus bohusii
- Agaricus bresadolanus
- Agaricus gennadii
- Agaricus heinemannianus
- Agaricus lanipes
- Agaricus lutosus
- Agaricus pseudolutosus
- Agaricus menieri
- Agaricus moellerianus
- Agaricus rollanii
- Agaricus subperonatus
Contents 108 pages, 48 colour photos, 24 beautiful micrographies, text in English/Spanish
Prezzo Euro 13,40 |